Wednesday, July 19, 2023




Do I shiver at the mere thought of something, somebody, or some place? Something? Yes, some horrible and discomforting dreams that haunt me often. Somebody? Yes, my primary school teacher, Natesan, who was a terror. Some place? Yes, when I read about a restaurant built in a burial ground.

 Shivering arises out of intense fear. You Inability to gain control over some horrid situation. Something that is thrust upon us without warning. When you are shaken by shock and not taken by surprise. Suddenly connecting you to some past unpleasant experience may shudder you into shameless shivering.

 Shivering may also be due to exposure to extreme cold. Like in December wintery mornings. And you are not adequately protected by proper clothing. Or you are having a malarial fever.  Shivering could be due an affliction of Parkinson’s disease or similar muscular disorder.

 Simple measures to handle shivering include: Wearing warm clothing, waking up and praying if you have had a bad dream, not sleeping in the first place to avoid such dreams, analysing the root cause of such shivering and avoiding it.

 Is there a person immune to shivers? A dead man in a coffin

 I read a blog post that went beating about the bush without saying anything substantial and I wanted to beat it. Have I succeeded?Only you should only tell.






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