Friday, March 11, 2022

Lizard hazards


               Lizard Hazards


The table cloth covering our dining table was littered with broken eggs of some lizard. This was intriguing. Is a lizard playing havoc during the night? I looked up to God in despair. Oh, what did I find? A fat lizard had made it his house - the plastic cup which is a part of the ceiling fan. Another morning, I found broken plastic pieces on the same cloth! This is too much; I should do something serious urgently.


Normally after boiling the milk, I keep it on the table, without cover or lid so that the milk could cool before shifting it to the fridge. Now I guess it is risky. The milk could be easily contaminated. What if, if a lizard falls into the hot milk? Neither the lizard would be alive to narrate the accident nor the milk would complain that it has become a poisonous beverage.

 To handle this problem, simplest would be to break and remove that plastic cup. Or spray some strong insecticide (lizardicide?) into the cup. But that is a bit inaccessible. Keep all things always closed. Anyway, our dining table is never used for dining – so the probability of getting the food we are eating spoilt by lizard droppings is near zero.

 My father taught me to look at positive side of problems. Lizards chase insects like flies and keep the environment insect free.  Watching a lizard prayerfully watching and catching its prey is fascinating fun. You must learn to be as still as the lizard. Again, a couple of lizards chasing each other and playing is also fun until thy disappear for some private affair behind the almirah.

 Any active household can never be rid of cockroaches. So is the case with lizards. Let me learn more tricks to deal with this fellow. Until then, bye!




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