Sunday, June 21, 2020

Overhearing is good

Overhearing is good

Many people think that overhearing others’ conversation is bad or bad manners. There are two types of overhearing: one is intentional and purposeful and the other is accidental. I feel that both types of overhearing are beneficial.

I was walking in the bazaar. A flower vendor was sitting at the entrance to a temple nearby.  I heard someone telling another: “Hey, we haven’t yet bought coconut”. That reminded to buy betel leaves, unticked on my shopping list. On the other day, I heard someone asking another: “Have you read Somu’s letter carefully?” I was reminded of posting a letter I had written, stamped and was ready to be posted. Almost every now and then, I overhear conversations among my neighbors, reminding me to collect water; water is supplied once in three or four days and it precious!

All the above are accidental overhearing: I happen to be around when somebody is talking to somebody else. Overhearing telephonic conversations is interesting, intriguing and entertaining. You keep guessing who is at the other end. If someone known to you is mentioned you get curious. What could have been the provocation? Knowing about others’ misfortunes is comforting. Listening to rants is amusing as you are not involved.  Mobile phones with walking-talking men are great entertainers: they cannot blame you for overhearing.

Once I was invited for lunch by a friend. I reached his house somewhat early. Hesitating to enter I was debating if I should while away time elsewhere or brave myself to ring the bell and go in. Just then I heard my friend’s wife say:” Your friend is likely to come any time. He has the habit of walking right into the kitchen. Don’t dare and let him do that. Kitchen is utterly messy. Catch him and keep him engaged in the veranda or hall. If you must get out, let chintu keep company with ‘uncle’ etc etc
I was shocked at the revelation and retreated. I went back again dot on appointed time.  That incident helped me know a bit about myself.

Overall, overhearing is good. It depends upon how you take it and use it. People who are hard of hearing have no dilemma at all. They are blessed by nature.

What is your take on this topic, based on your experience?

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