I've shared an item with you.
This is the best article I have read on crimes against senior citizens. Written by Sri RN Mital.
![]() | Rising Crimes Against Senior Citizens3.doc |
Rising Crimes Against Senior Citizens
By R.N.Mital
Introduction - I like to bring to your notice a recent development where under
the patronage of UNO the Help Age International undertook a study of the
comparative well being of the Elderly in different countries. They selected 91
countries for which data was available with them. 13 indicators were identified
which define to a great extent the well being of Senior Citizens such as social and
financial security, health care, shelter and emotional happiness etc.
Afganistan was found to be at the lowest rung of the ladder, on top were Norway
and Sweden, China was found at level 35.
Where do you think our Country was found to be. You may be expecting that India
would be near the top being the one where traditions enjoin us to honour our
elders, respect them, venerate them. It is the land where idols like Shravan Kumar
were born.
But unfortunately now the ground realities are very different. You will be
disappointed to know that we were ranked almost at the bottom, close to
Afganistan, at level 73. Even Countries like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam were
much higher than our Country. Sri Lanka was among the top 4 in SE Asia, Japan
being at no 10, at the top.
Thus friends a lot more has to be done in our Country if we want to see that our
Elders can spend their twilight years in reasonable comfort,
Unprecedented Phenomenon – You know that India is ageing and ageing
very fast. It is a phenomenon which is unprecedented in human history. The
population of senior citizens has increased from around 2 crores in 1951 to more
than 10 crores in 2013. The major reasons for this fast increase is the sharp
increase in the life span and declining fertility. In fact this is the only segment of
society which is growing larger and larger and getting poorer and poorer.
Today the poorest among the poor is a senior citizen. An old man competing with
street dogs and rummaging through dust bins for food crumbs outside a hotel is
not an uncommon sight.
The reduction in fertility level, reinforced by a steady increase in life expectancy,
has produced fundamental changes in the age structure of the population. This
fact has exposed the senior citizens to various problems such as age related
poverty and health problems, elder abuse, social isolation etc.
Indifference towards Issues of Elderly - Unfortunately there has been an
indifference both on part of the media and the Government towards the issues
which arise due to the ageing of the population. As a result, according to a survey
70% Senior Citizens belong to BPL category or close to it and live in villages, of
whom 66% are so poor that they can not afford even two square meals a day.
Most being illiterate, have to depend on physical labour for living. There is no
retirement age for them
Most of the States are cold towards their plight, and have not implemented
even the half-hearted welfare schemes launched by Centre. I will give you a few
14 years have passed since the launch of NPOP 1999, only 10 State/UT’s have
fully or partly accepted it and not even one has so far fully implemented it. 71% of
the senior citizens are deprived of the benefits of the Policy
MWPSC Act - 6 years old and only 20 States out of 35 have so far formed the
rules under it and 9 have actually operationalised it. No publicity is given to the
provisions in the Act though Planning Commission has earmarked Rs 200 Crore
for this purpose in the 12th Five year Plan.
In 2007 the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme was launched under
which Rs 200 are supposed to be paid to every BPL senior citizen and at least
same amount was expected to be added by the State. Firstly this amount is so
ridiculously small that it can not buy even a cup of tea daily still 5 major States do
not add even a rupee and 11 States add much less than the minimum expected
from them. Above all as per the surveys done it is only 22% of the eligible who
get any amount under this scheme.
I can go on citing examples of indifference shown by the authorities and the
media towards the looming crisis created by the fast ageing population. In fact
more important is to take cognizance of the emerging social problems caused due
to to this negligence and indifference, one of them is the rising crimes and acts
of cruelty against the older persons.
Unfortunately acts of violence against them are generally under recognized and
under reported.
Developing Tragic Situation - This tragic situation has arisen because timely
action was not taken to face the consequences of a fast ageing population.
Most of those suffering today with financial insecurity are those who during
their productive age worked as landless farm labourers, casual workers in
Construction Industry and other underpaid jobs such as domestic help etc. They
thus are the retirees of the unorganized sector of our economy where wages are
so low that one can not think of saving for old age, where there are no retirement
benefits and old age pension, though they represent 84% of the total labour
force and contribute more than 60% of the GDP.
With increasing lifespan there are many households where three or four
generations live under the same roof. Very often members belonging to the third
or fourth generation are so old that they are unable to contribute financially and
even physically to the family. They often suffer with terminal diseases and may
be disabled. They thus become a burden on the family. Many families particularly
those belonging to the low income group find it difficult to maintain them and
therefore, sometimes they try to get rid of them..
Statistics show that the acts of violence and cruelty against senior citizens are
increasing They include ill treatment by the family members and caregivers by
way of denying basic facilities, denying food, medical attention, beating or even
sexual misbehaviour. This may even lead to the extreme act of cruelty that is
torture and even abandonment. They are also highly vulnerable to the antisocial
elements and acts of assault, robbery and even murder are frequent.
Murders - According to NCRB 32,496 senior citizens were murdered during 2001
to 2010. But for a little decline for a brief period in 2002 the number of murders
again went up to more than 3200 per year and are increasing every year. 3823
older persons were murdered during 2012 with Uttar Pradesh (493) topping
the States. In our National capital, Delhi around 40% more senior citizens were
murdered during 2012 compared to previous year.
Suicides among Elderly - The situation becomes more alarming by the fact that
according to a study in USA senior citizens run the higher risk of committing
suicide. Earlier it was the teenagers who were considered to be more prone to
this risk. In USA though the Senior Citizens, that is 65+, account for 13% of the
population, yet the suicides in this age group amount to 20% of the national
I could not find in the data published by NCRB any reference connecting suicide
rate with age but I feel convinced that the observation in USA must be true for
India also, particularly because the wellbeing of elders in USA is rated much
higher than in our Country. USA is placed in the Global rating at level 9 against 73
for India
However, this inference is largely confirmed by a report that in Mumbai for every
senior citizen murdered in the city there are more than six elderly citizens who
take their own life.
Abandonment - According to The Hindu on an average 2 senior citizens are found
abandoned daily in Chennai alone. There is a practice in some communities in
rural areas of Tamil Nadu under which the elderly when he or she becomes very
old and a burden on the family, is given an oil bath and given tadi to drink which
throws him into a coma. He is then taken to a temple, a hospital or a similar place
and abandoned in the hope that some kind hearted philanthropist will find him.
The report that a few thousand elders were found abandoned during the Kumbh
Mela last year in Allahabad (UP) is only a proof of this situation existing specially
in the low income group of families
Torture for Property - The second major reason which encourages abuse against
the elderly is the greed of the caregivers or the relatives with whom the elder
may be living or on whom the elder may be dependent. According to a survey by
Help Age 52.49% elders in Mumbai are tortured for property. They are neglected,
insulted, beaten, denied food and medical aid to force them to part with their
assets and property. They are sometimes even thrown out of the house and
subjected to inhuman treatment.
There have been worst cases of cruelty committed against the elderly to usurp
their assets. Recently in Andhra Pradesh an unemployed young man killed his
old father to get his job in Railways on compassionate grounds!
These are not isolated examples but represent an emerging social problem which
has to be tackled and controlled before it gets out of hand.
Crimes by anti-social elements - Another major reason behind this scenario is
the lax law and order situation and the fact that the elderly are considered as soft
targets particularly those living alone or only with their spouse. The anti social
elements take advantage of this situation because they know that they will not
be able to resist. According to NCRB data during 2001 – 10, 32,496 account for
85% of the crimes against the elderly , are related to murder, 3206 to assault
not amounting to murder and 2630 were relating to kidnapping. It may be noted
that major part of the crime resulted in murder which has created a sense of fear
among the senior citizens living alone.
The figures show 7% increase every year in the number of elderly victims of
various crimes. Burglary is the most commonly reported crime against elders.
Many burglary attempts end up in murder.
What should be done - The big question is what should be done to see that this
rampant evil is controlled.
There are four major stake-holders in this situation
• The senior citizens themselves
• Police and law & order enforcing authorities
• Government / law makers
• Neighbours and Senior Citizens’ Associations(SCA’s)
The senior citizens who are fearing crime against them can play an important
role in protecting themselves. They should remain socially active and in touch
with other senior citizens in the neighborhood.
They should not avoid reporting to Police/Authorities and neighbours/local
SCA if they are being ill treated or their rights are being violated
The responsibility for protecting the elderly from the abuse of the above
type is that of Police. The Home Ministry has recently directed the State
Governments [Ref. Economic Times dtd Sept. 08, 2013] to ensure safety of
senior citizens and prepare plans to face current and future challenges for
their protection. Other directions are,
• Prepare database of older persons living alone.
• Identify crime prone areas
• Each Police station should have security scheme for the protection of
the Elderly. They should provide patrolling both during day and night.
• Hold rich senior citizens as most vulnerable and ensure security
• Ensure that beat staff along with community or NGO members regularly
• Senior Police Officers should periodically interact with senior citizens,
clearance of their staff.
visit the residences of senior citizens living alone.
set up special cell for them, monitor their safety besides setting up 24x7
toll free help line.
We have seen above that the crimes are committed particularly in disadvantaged,
socio-economically weak families because the elderly become a burden when
they become disabled or terminally sick and are unable to contribute both
monetarily and physically. To make them acceptable the introduction of following
welfare schemes should be considered,
• Adequate Universal social pension. It should be recognized as a right and
not a dole and should flow out if article 21 and not 41 of our Constitution.
• Comprehensive Health Insurance for all senior citizens covering terminal
diseases and disability.
• State Governments should be asked to build in each district Old Age
Homes with a minimum capacity of 150 inmates as mandated in the MWPSC
Act. The District Authorities must see that elders whom their families are
genuinely unable to maintain, are shifted to such Old Age Homes.
In addition to the above the MWPSC Act should be made more stringent for those
who do not look after their elders. Violence against them should be made non-
bailable, non-compoundable and a cognizable offence as in case of the Domestic
Violence or Dowry Prevention section 498A of IPC, or the Act for prevention of
atrocities against SC/ST.
The demand for adequate social pension is picking up. Its introduction will
mitigate many of the problems which BPL senior citizens face during the fag end
of their lives. They are generally the retirees from the unorganized sector of our
economy which though contributes 60% of the GDP, yet pays poor wages and has
no retirement benefits or pension. Many other countries, some with even weaker
economy have already introduced it.
Moreover, a study by the Planning Commission has shown that we could have
wiped out poverty in our country by transferring cash to the BPL families at a
much lower cost than the amount which we are now spending on the anti poverty
Finally the neighbours and the senior citizens’ organizations can be of immense
help in protecting them from such cruelties. It is essential that we build social
relations with senior citizens in families in our area particularly with those who
are exposed to such risks. Friendly social contacts will discourage the caregivers
and anti- social elements from committing violence against them.
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