Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Keeping your eyes closed


Keeping your eyes closed

Some people close their eyes when they are praying. Some other may close the eyes while eating. I close my eyes when some extreme violence is shown on the screen, say TV or movie.

 One might relish the food better if eyes are closed. You can imagine the texture, taste, smell, flavour of the food. Mixed with proper amount of saliva, swishing or tung tumbling, masticating - the experience could be ecstatic.  One may not like to be disturbed by external distractions. So close your eyes.

 When I pray, I bring before my mental eyes, the deity to be bestowing her blessings. Concentration on prayer becomes intense and focussed. You try to feel one with that ONLY One – God. Shutting out light makes you feel the innate darkness – the primordial darkness from which the cosmos began.

 I cannot tolerate violence either real of fake. So, I switch off the TV if perchance some unacceptable scenes are fleeting past the TV screen. Mental stoic improves upon de-linking yourself this way.

 While I am walking, if I see a couple of guys fighting or hitting each other I move away. I do not want to be a witness to violence in more than one sense. Instead of going to the support of the victim or the weaker guy, if you turn away, look at the other way, there again you are closing your eyes in a figurative way.  It is a sort of cowardice, one should admit.

 If there are fumes / dust in the environs and are trying to avoid harming your eyes, closing is perfectly OK. Or when it is lightning. if you have styes and the eye is bandaged. Whether you keep your eyes open or closed does not matter. Keep your heart open to help the poor, and the God to enter.








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