Monday, February 6, 2023

Why is an alarm clock a good gift?

                  Why is an alarm clock a good gift?

 Among many things one can think of, to be given as gifts, I prefer to give an Alarm Clock. It would be a timely gift for any occasion. It reminds that time is ticking away, emphasising the impermanence but preciousness of life. In the case of old mechanical spring-based clocks, it stores kinetic energy converted into potential energy and expends is judiciously and consistently reminding that everything in this cosmos is nothing but energy in some form or the other. This is true in the case of electronics-based clocks too but the process is no so easily visible! Every time a receiver looks at it, he may be reminded of you. If it stops working then again, he may think of you.

 I have used a good number of alarm clocks all along. At a time when I had more than one, a close friend of mine took a fancy to one of the best ones I had and simply walked away with it saying he liked very much. After all, why do you need more than one, he winked!

 All alarm clocks are the same at the core level that is at the actual clock machine by itself. Only the casing differs. The circular one is the best and a rectangular one is the worst. Square one, so-so.  I have been a bit unlucky of late: Bought a few clocks one after another, only to be discarded as they went out of order quickly.  

 I am venturing to risk buying a new alarm clock and gift it myself, unless some one thinks he is better as a donor! I am posting this as a blog post. It is like sending some message in a glass bottle, perfectly sealed, and thrown into the sea! My blog enjoys just some sixty followers, most of which are search engine scrollers.
