Thursday, February 11, 2016

Who will care for non-pensioner Senior Citizens?

Here are some arguments fighting for financial justice to non-pensioner retirees.
From Sri Sridhara Yanduru based on Markandeyulu's campaign on fake income.

1. Interest on bank deposits is not to help people that save but to collect capital from people to help Businessmen and Industrialists.
2. It is also done to control inflation by deterring people from spending. 
3. When production is more than demand, interest rates are brought down to promote spending. 
4. In the process of deposits and lending, Banks make profits. 
5. As Interest payout amount is very large, government taxes it to fill their coffers. 
6. If Interest is made tax free, several Business and Industrial establishments will tend to put their money in Bank Deposits than put that to productivity. 
7. Low interest on deposit will make products cheaper. Hence low interest rates are good for society at large. 

Now the main point:
Unfortunately many in India live on Interest earnings. The worst is spiraling inflation. The life of pensioners is sustainable as they keep getting more DA. 
Higher salaries and higher pension aggravates inflation further. Then further DA compensation.  
But the life of people living on interest alone becomes miserable as the years pass by.
Further, if the Banks go insolvent, such interest dependent people will have to commit suicide. 

But society does not care for others. Pensioners demand more and more and expect support from non-pensioners. They have associations (vote bank) for collective bargain. 

Who the hell will care for non-pensioners and Interest dependents? 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Useful blogs for senior citizens by Vyasamoorthy

Useful Blogs for Senior Citizens by Vyasamoorthy


Here are three utility blogs for the elderly

All run by Dr Vyasamoorthy


1.      Second Careers for senior citizens


A blog that gives tri-weekly list of job vacancies meant for retirees / pensioners / senior citizens / VRS employees etc. Information culled out from jobsites alike are included. Started in June 2009




Senior Citizens Discounts


This is a blog giving info on rebates discounts concessions etc to senior citizens  on services and products sold in India. Anything given totally free to senior citizens (otherwise priced for others) will also qualify  as being given at 100% discount!! Started in  Dec 2011 and has 125 posts.



Assistive devices for senior citizens


This recent blog started in July 2015 has 15 posts on availability of assistive devices of all kinds for senior citizens.