Three Rishis
My father told this story
When I was a boy:
Three Rishis were sitting.
One said to the second:
"Are you fine? You look pale!"
After a year, the second replied:
"Fine, Thanks"
After another year,
The third Rishi,
Silently told the other two:
"If you keep disturbing me like this,
I shall move away"
I was reminded of the above story
When I read Sridala Swami's poem
Reproduced below:
Songlines: Six**
Our conversation was short and sweet:
You said: "Lean a little this way and say something"
And I, draping myself neatly over the chair,
Obediently said: "Something"
Now over a year later, your sudden grin
Has kept me talking. It's your turn now.
Say something.
** From the book: Sridala Swamy: escape artist. Aleph,2014.